jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

"Treasure island"

No, we're not wrong: we're more and more convinced that it's not a work for children or young people. It's about a product of broad spectrum, like those games on whose box it reads "from 8 to 88 years"; see pachisi or the Goose game. Forget about the numberless cinematographic adaptations that you might've watched and read it without any prejudices or preconceived ideas, as if it had been edited for the first time two weeks ago. You will discover a novel with multiple reading levels: from the analysis of human greed to the initiation voyage, going through a harsh adventure novel. It comes in useful: you can read it to the kids so that they sleep happy and, thereafter, enjoy the intrigues among the characters as if you were reading Les liaisons dangereuses. I did not read it till I was 40, practically compelled by a literature teacher friend. Don't make the same mistake, even more so when we're insistently warning you what you are missing. We insist: it's not a joke. In addition, it can be found in a thousand editions: from those that cost one little dollar with the Sunday paper to the extended and commentated on ones. There is no excuse, come on. And if you're not convinced yet, at least don't deprive your children of such pleasure, who knows what a generation we're raising with su much Geronimo Stilton.

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