- "Night of the living dead"
- "Blind Fury"
- "Leaving Las Vegas"
- "Face/Off"
- "Ghost Rider"
- "Adaptation"
- "Machete"
- "Planet Terror"
- "Hobo with a Shotgun"
- "Crank"
- "Wanted"
- "Shoot 'Em Up"
- "Con Air"
- "HappyThankYouMorePlease"
- "Garden State"
- "Scream" 1 2 3 and 4
- "Saw" 1-...
- "Psycho"
- "Halloween"
- "Battle: Los Angeles"
- "Black Hawk Down"
- "District 9"
- "Independence Day"
- "Sucker Punch"
- "Source Code"
- "Moon" Duncan Jones
- "Groundhog Day"
- "Déjà Vu" Tony Scott
- "Megamind"
- "Watchmen"
- "The Truman Show"
- "Dark City"
- "The adjustment bureau"
- "U Turn"
- "Lost highway"
- "Mulholland Drive"
- "Victory"
- "Brokeback mountain"
- "Scott Pilgrim vs. the world"
- "Hot fuzz"
- "Road to perdition"
- "Ninja turtles"
- "Daredevil"
- "La gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón"
- "Blueberry"
- "Men in black"
- "Dobermann"
- "A history of violence"
- "The mask"
- "Garfield"
- "Garfield 2"
- "Zombieland"
- "Fargo"
- "Mar adentro"
- "Abre los ojos"
- "The Matrix"
- "The Truman Show"
- "Inception"
- "Avatar"
- "Aliens"
- "House of wax"
- "The fountainhead"
- "Atlas Shrugged Part I"
- "The grapes of wrath"
- "Shutter Island"
- "Excalibur"
- "King Arthur"
- "Chico y rita"
- "White zombie"
- "I walked with a zombie"
- "Night of the creepers"
- "Braindead"
- "28 days later"
- "The evil dead"
- "Non si deve profanare il sonno dei morti"
- "Zombie Massacre"
- "Once upon a time in the West"
- "2001: a space odyssey"
- "Lawrence of Arabia"
- "Close encounters of the third kind"
- "Quantum Leap"
- "Northern Exposure"
- "Hill Street Blues"
- "The Sopranos"
- "Lost"
- "24"
- "The Wire"
- "Breaking Bad"
- "Inspector Morse"
- "Merlin"
- "Camelot"
- "The IT Crowd"
- "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
- "Yes Minister"
- "Red Dwarf"
- "Blackadder"
- "The Office"
- "Black Books"
- "Horns" Joe Hill
- "Heart-Shaped Box"
- "20th Century Ghosts"
- "The Corrections" Jonathan Franzen
- "Fight Club" Chuck Palahniuk
- "Everything Bad Is Good for You"
- "Ήρωας"
- "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften"
- "The story of a secret State"
- "Martians, go home"
- "Мы"
- "The collected stories of Philip K. Dick"
- "El túnel" Ernesto Sabato
- "Sobre héroes y tumbas" Ernesto Sabato
- "Abaddón el exterminador" Ernesto Sabato
- "The vertigo years" Philipp Blom
- "Noviazgo y matrimonio en la sociedad española" Vicente Verdú
- "El fútbol: mitos, ritos y símbolos" Vicente Verdú
- "El estilo del mundo" Vicente Verdú
- "No ficción" Vicente Verdú
- "El capitalismo funeral" Vicente Verdú
- "Viajes morrocotudos en busca del Trifinus melancolicus" Juan Pérez Zúñiga
- "Around the World in Eighty Days"
- "Arrugas" Paco Roca
- "Las calles de arena" Paco Roca
- "El faro" Paco Roca
- "Tauroética" Fernando Savater
- "Plato Not Prozac"
- "Lettres persanes" Montesquieu
- "Malos y malditos" Fernando Savater
- "Brave new world"
- "1984"
- "Twilight"
- "Harry Potter"
- "Canción de hielo y fuego"
- "El jardín de las dudas" Fernando Savater
- "Suite française" Irene Nemirovsky
- "Il nome della rosa" Umberto Ecco
- "El juego de los caballos" Fernando Savater
- "Mort à crédit" Céline
- "Voyage au bout de la nuit" Céline
- "La nausée" Sartre
- "Treasure island"
- "Les liaisons dangereuses"
- "The grapes of wrath"
- "In cold blood" Truman Capote
- "The executioner's song" Norman Mailer
- "Der Vorleser" Bernhard Schlink
- "Feuer in Berlin" Philip Kerr
- "Im Sog der dunklen Mächte" Philip Kerr
- "Alte Freunde, neue Feinde" Philip Kerr
- "The given day" Dennis Lehane
- "Shutter island" Dennis Lehane
- "Mystic River" Dennis Lehane
- "The man who fell to Earth" Walter Tevis
- "Stranger in a strange land" Robert A. Heinlein
- "Starship troopers" Robert A. Heinlein
- "100 bullets"
- "Preacher"
- "The walking dead"
- "Zombillenium"
- "Ergens waar je niet wil zijn"
- "From hell"
- "Les quatre fleuves"
- "Le journal d’un ingénu"
- "Simbad"
- "Castro"
- "Judge Dredd"
- "Blacksad"
- "Curiosity shop"
- "La cárcel de papel"
- "Los Garriris"
- "Garfield"
- "Catwoman"
- "Fat Freddy’s Cat"
- "Dylan Dog"
- "Al tercer día"
- "Quijote Z"
- "World War Z"
- "The zombie survival guide"
- "Fräulein Else"
- "Quaderni ucraini"
- "Tex"
- "Autobiografía no autoritzada"
- "Rosalie Blum"
- "Krazy Kat"
- "Jazz Maynard"
- "El héroe"
- "Arrugas"
- "The boys"
- "Burbujas" Daniel Torres
- "The big Lebowski"
- "Peter and Wendy" JM Berrie
- Marlena Shaw
- "Sympathy for the devil" Rolling Stones
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