jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

"Der Vorleser"

I guess that everyone has a curious story about a book. This is mine: while being on vacation in Dubrovnik, I was left without anything to read. To see if I struck it rich, I went into the first bookstore I saw and I looked if there was a section of books in Spanish. And yes, there was. But they only had Lucía Etxebarria's complete works (why?!) and this one. And I chose this one, of course. I was to start its reading and not to drop it till the end. A beautiful wonderful easily-crying story. In the post-war period Germany, a teenager begins his sexual life with an attractive mature woman. Then a spectacular storyline turnaround happens and not more stuff can be said without squashing the surprising ending. A pretty decent cinematographic version starred by Kate Winslet got to be made. For eight or nine dollars it's available in any neighborhood or public transport station bookstore. In general, everyone usually loves it. In any case, it's not annoying reading. You may see.

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