domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

La Banda del Patio

La Banda del Patio. 1x01. El Recreo

Español - Inglés

The Gang of the Schoolyard


TJ: Tomato surprise. Then they say it's not dangerous to go to the dining hall.
Spinelli: Last time I ate this junk, my belly stung for a week. It's pure acid!
Gretchen: Citrus acid with a carbon base heated electromagneticly in order to create a synthetic compound which has admirable qualities.
TJ: That's to say it can be eaten?
Gretchen: No, and if you let it settle, it could make a hole on the floor.
Vince: Well, I think it already settled quite a lot.
TJ: I'm fed up! This time, they took it too far! We did eat fish sticks that looked made of cardboard, macaroni cheese thicker than paste and now this! I can't take any more! It's time for us to demand to get good food, not the trash we've been given so far!
Vince: TJ, you're crazy!
TJ: Maybe, but I want to eat well. Who's coming with me?
Spinelli: I'm in!
Mikey: I'm in!
Gretchen: Me too!
TJ: Great. Then, let's go get that food.
Keep out. Cover me. I'm gonna go in.
Good food!
Miss Finster, I'm very glad to see you!
Finster: TJ Detweiller, I caught you again.

Finster: Let's examine a boy who, apparently, enjoys violating the school's rules! A boy who drew such vulgar caricatures and who now did this! He was trying to steal food from the school's kitchen! What do you think we should do with such a bad boy? Yes. I have a great idea. No recess!
Mikey: It would be better if she pulled out his heart!!

Randall: Miss Finster! Miss Finster! Those girls swore.
Finster: Good boy, Randall. Your cookie.
Spinelli: Pss! TJ!
TJ: Hi, guys.
Vince: How're you doing, buddy?
TJ: Well, I try to keep myself busy but I want you to do something for me, guys.
Vince: What?
TJ: Get me out of here!
Vince: TJ, please!
TJ: I am getting mad, buddies! I already counted the ceiling's sheets thirteen times. There are one thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight, do you hear me? One thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight sheets!
Spinelli: Relax, TJ! We're with you, man.
Vince: Yeah, no matter what happens, we won't leave you in the lurch, buddy.
Finster: Hey! What are you children doing?
Vince: See ya!
TJ: Don't go! Come back!

Vince: Poor TJ, he's losing his head.
Mikey: A boy with no recess. There can't be anything more horrible!
Spinelli: Well, I say we gotta come in and free him.
Gretchen: A good suggestion, Spinelli, but according to my calculations, the rescue has a seventy percent  possibilities to fail.
Mikey: Huh! I've had an idea! Let's consult Guru Kid.

Mikey: Oh, great Guru Kid, our friend TJ is held with no recess and we don't know what to do.
Guru Kid: Observe the little bee. By its own, it isn't worth anything but next to its companions, it makes a swarm with abundant quantities of honey.
Spinelli: And what does that mean?
Mikey: It's clear! We are the bee, we cannot save TJ by ourselves but with a little help...
Gretchen: It's possible. You may be right. If we get the rest of the schoolyard kids to help us, our probabilities will increase a fifteen percent!
Spinelli: Then, what are we waitin' for? There we go!
Mikey: Thanks, Guru Kid!
Kid: Oh, great Guru Kid. How can I get an A in English?
Guru Kid: Observe the little bee. By its own...

Dave: Let's see if I understood. You want Sam and me to dig till we get to the dining hall, cross the ground and free TJ so that he can come to the recess?
Vince: Oh... Yep. More or less.
Dave and Sam: Cool!
Vince: See? I told ya they would be a sport.
Sam: Dave! You're digging in the wrong direction!
Dave: Are you nuts? We'll get to the principal's office that way!
Sam: Who're you calling nuts, huh, you stupid?
Dave: Stupid? I will show you myself who's stupid!
Vince: I think they won't be able to help us.
Spinelli: Not even in a million years.

Kids: Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on!
Mikey: I assure you! Swinger Girl likes new adventures. She loves these things!
Gretchen: And what's she doing now?
Mikey: She's trying to go around over the swing, risking going where no kid went.
Vince: Great! But is she gonna help us?
Mikey: Sure.
Swinger Girl: Ah!!!
Mikey: Though we'll have to wait until she gets back from the sickbay.

Vince: Why are we gonna talk to kindergartners? It's humiliating.
Spinelli: No one else is gonna help us.
Gretchen: I studied primitive races for several years. I think I'll be able to contact with them. Follow me.
Hello, kind kindergartners! We come from the land of older kids. We crossed the large recess playground to ask for your help.
I'll try the tinfoil.
Look! Bright metal. Do you like bright metal? If you lend us a hand, we will give you the bright metal. What do you say to me, kindergartners?
Kindergartner girl: Get them.
Mikey: Run!
Gretchen, Vince and Spinelli: Ah!

Mikey: I don't even want to see him, Vince. I'm afraid of him.
Vince: Bob is the king of the schoolyard, if he helps us, everybody else will do the same thing.
Spinelli: He'd better. Or he'll know my great friend: Madame Fist!
Vince: Listen, Spinelli. To negotiate with Bob, we need gentleness, not force. So let me talk myself, alright?

Vince: Oh, great King Bob, guardian of all the schoolyard, vizier of children's play, we come to request your approval. Our best friend, TJ, has been shut by Finster and we have to release him.
King Bob: Hey, get that squirt out of my sand, quickly!
Kid 2: Hey! Hey, leave me alone! No, no!
Vince: What I am trying to tell you, your Highness, is that we cannot do it by our own.
Mikey: Yes! We really, really need help.
Bob: Did you hear that? Fourth grade kids need my help! Ha ha ha ha! Of course you need it. Everybody does. I'm the king.
Mikey: Great! Are you going to help us?
Bob: I didn't say that. You'll see. Being the king of the schoolyard is a great responsibility, I must make sure that the first grade kids aren't too sassy and the sixth grade kids are treated with respect. I can't be helping all the kids who come and tell me their problems. My royal mind is busy, understood? Busy!
Vince: But, your Majesty...
Bob: Stop it! I've got more important things to get worried than a stupid boy!
Spinelli: A stupid boy? Who have you thought you are? TJ is not stupid.
Vince: Spinelli, you promised...
Spinelli: You spend the day sitting there governing the schoolyard as if you were a kind of bigwig. Well, you know something, king of the schoolyard? You are just a stupid boy!
Vince: Spinelli! Huh... she didn't say it seriously...
Gretchen: Well, I agree with my violent friend.
Vince: Gretchen!
Gretchen: Well, technically, she's right. Bob is stupid and he's a boy.
Mikey: Yes! And if we think of it well, a lot of people believe we're stupid boys.
Kid 3: My older brother thinks I'm stupid.
Kid 4: My mother called my stupid this morning.
Mikey: I'm sure even you were called stupid boy sometime, right, Mr. King Bob, sir?
Spinelli: So next time you think of calling someone stupid boy, remember you also are, like everyone. Admit it, Bob. If we stupid kids don't defend ourselves, who will?
Bob: The nipper is right. Kids of the schoolyard, the stupid boy must be released!

Kindergartners: One, two, six, ten. One, two, six, ten. One, two, six...
Spinelli: It's locked.
Gretchen: Move over, I have what is needed: tomato surprise.
TJ: I'm free! I'm free! I'm...!
Vince: TJ! But what are you doing out there?
TJ: What are you guys doin' inside?
Finster: I wonder myself exactly that. But since you do feel like getting back to class, you'll be glad to know that the recess is ending... just at this moment.
TJ: No. No! No!!!

Vince: We did do our best.
Spinelli: Yeah, we're sorry not to arrive on time.
TJ: Hey, relax. The rest of the kids wouldn't even have tried it, you're the best friends I could have.
Vince: Thanks, TJ.
Gretchen: Actually, it was a relatively entertaining recess.
Spinelli: Yeah!
Vince: We were helped by the Upside-Down Girl, the Swinger Girl, the Diggers... Hey! By the way, where did the Diggers go?

Sam: OK, TJ! We arrived.
Dave: Hey! Wait a minute! It's not our school.
Sam: Huh, Dave...
Dave: Yes?
Sam: Don't these kids seem they're in kindergartners' class?
Kid 5: 擒擒!

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