Laura's Mysteries
The Mystery of the Sealed Room
Laura: Where is the cold thing?
Butcher: I don't know how many times I have to repeat it: it's not here.
Laura: How do I know it is not behind that door?
Butcher: Because I would be lying, then. And I do not lie about those things.
Laura: The way I see it, there are only two options, either you never lifted it or it never got to leave here.
Butcher: You saw it yesterday with your own eyes. It was right here. And you were the last one to leave.
Laura: And the first one to arrive this morning. That's why I'm sure that it has to be right here, somewhere.
Butcher: What do I gain by hiding it?
Laura: A good deal.
Butcher: Listen, madam, I'm getting fed up now. The cold cut was your responsibility, if it disappeared, it is your business. I am no criminal.
Laura: And I tell you that when I got to my house, I took out the steaks, the loin and the salami, and the cold cut was not in the bag.
Butcher: Well you might've dropped it in the street.
Laura: Yesterday I paid six point twenty for the cut cold, and I'm getting out of here either with the cut cold or with six point twenty dollars.
Butcher: Listen, madam, I'm having people waiting.
Laura: And I have all the morning to frighten away your customers. So you will see.
Butcher: I can do nothing without the receipt.
Laura: Here you are.
Butcher: Well, really, there's people with a lot of nerve in this world.
Laura: There are really lots of crooks that take everybody else for idiots.
Good morning.
Gerald: You're late.
Laura: Gerald, it's eleven! I had to prepare lunch for tomorrow and tell a neighbor to stay with children.
Gerald: You should make up with your husband. That way you'd have someone to give you a hand at home.
Laura: You made me come here to tell me the usual thing?
Gerald: I called you so that you help me avoid a murder.
Emil Anderson has been getting threats for the last two months. Tomorrow he's receiving the Businessman of the Year Prize and the anonymous letters say that he won't eventually pick it up.
This is the last one. It arrived this morning.
Laura: But what do I fit in here? You've got loads of people much more educated than me for this security stuff.
Gerald: This man is a friend of the safety city councilor's.
Laura: Oh! And you want to make a good impression to the city council.
Gerald: I want them to see that my best agents are in the most important cases, you smart aleck.
Laura: Mm. Sure, and this man might not have wanted to go to a protected apartment, with this little house...
Gerald: Tonight a dinner was held and he didn't want to adjourn it. All we got is him to reduce the number of guests.
Good evening.
Emil: Well, boss, you're in time for chocolate cake and have a drink.
Laura: Chocolate?
Gerald: Mr. Anderson, I introduce you to Inspector Laura Hound.
Emil: Nice to meet you.
Blanche: ¿Hound? How funny! Like little dogs!
Emil: Do you like chocolate, inspector?
Laura: Oh, eating is my vice, my only vice! I hope it would be cigarettes, I'd die of lung cancer but at least I'd keep my figure.
Agnes: Have my cake, I can not have sweet things.
Laura: Thank you! I came along without having dinner.
Emil: Permit me to introduce them. My brother: Joachim. My lawyer and friend: John Morton. This gorgeous woman is my wife.
Blanche: Nice to meet you.
Emil: And my partner: Agnes.
John: If there's one more single police officer, I'll start to think that you are setting up a soccer team.
Agnes: I think that you're attaching too much importance to these threats. We receive anonymous letters every year, some dismissed employe, bitter competitors...
Emil: People with free time... and who feels like getting on our nerves.
Joachim: Yes, well, up to the wages you give, I don't know why you don't get threats more often.
Emil: I'm not the Businessman of the Year for making charity works. I am for making the business grow and feeding my family... even the most useless members.
Gerald: I understand that it doesn't worry you but my work is doing quite the opposite.
Blanche: Even so, I think that having five agents patrolling around here tonight is kind of excessive, isn't it?
Gerald: They'll do their job without disturbing you, believe me.
Laura: And are you not given any prize? I don't know... being partners...
Agnes: He is the applause man... I am just useful for working.
Emil: To work... and applause.
Blanche: And to you are healthy to enjoy it.
Honey, what's the matter with you?
Gerald: Do you feel all right?
Emil: Yeah... yes, yes. This damn heat...
Perhaps, I had better go to bed.
Just continue, this is... a celebration, not a funeral.
Gerald: Huh, wait. First we'll have a look at your room.
Laura: Maybe you can get me the cake recipe. It is delicious.
Gerald: Hang on here.
Watch everything to be in order.
Laura: If I ask for a loan for this closet, it leaves my account shivering.
I don't know, a lot of money but I think that these people, deep down, have a disgusting life.
Emil: You do not know well. Money doesn't give happiness, it just allows you to get ways of showing off you have it. A hideous color, don't you think?
Gerald: I have my men on the alert, anyway, the inspector and I will stand guard all the night.
Emil: In some minutes, "Dispossessed" chapter begins, it's my favorite series, so... I'll be distracted, don't worry.
Laura: I can't believe it.
Gerald: What's wrong?
Laura: It's also my favorite series, "Dispossessed". I left it recording tonight. The wedding is bound to be canceled.
Emil: Someone will have to tell Kevin Philip that Jessica Carmen changed her identity to take revenge on him.
Laura: If he hadn't had the amnesia attack, he would remember the boat accident.
Gerald: All right, I think we had better let you have a rest, huh?
Laura: Yes.
Gerald: And as I told you: forget about the threats.
Emil: I hope I could. I can't stop thinking that if I had that person in front, I would give them all I have as long as they leave me alone.
Laura: We'll see you in the morning.
Emil: Yes.
Gerald: By the way, any of my men will deal with you any time you need it, but I leave my cellular phone number, just in case. We'll leave your door bolted. Good night.
Laura: If I were you, I'd complete the profiles of those four, above all, the woman's. She wouldn't be the first one who she'd like to see her husband pushing up daisies.
Gerald: Have Jacob and you already signed the divorce papers?
Laura: I'd hope so! That way I could get back to my life.
Gerald: Yeah, and if you feel like getting away from him so much, why are you still wearing that?
Laura: Oh! Habit.
Gerald: I hope you know what you're doing, Jacob is a good man and a good police officer.
Laura: Yeah, but that doesn't turn him into a good husband.
Gerald: Now, I'm just saying that before doing nothing you should be sure. When he's gone, you'll miss him. I know what I'm talking about.
Laura: You'd got to have waited a little before getting back to work. You should've gone away on vacation or... I don't know, whatever.
Gerald: Nope, this job is the only thing that keeps me afloat. I need to do something else. Apart from missing her.
Policeman: Captain, you have to come up.
Gerald: What's happening?
Policeman: There's a movement in the room, Anderson doesn't respond and the door is barred.
Gerald: Kick it down!
Mr. Anderson?
Policeman: Everything was calm, suddenly I listened to a struggle, as if there were two people.
Gerald: He's dead.
Policeman: Nobody has come in here, I did not move from the door.
Gerald: The blinds can only be moved from inside, the murderer had to be here while we were talking to Anderson.
Laura: I'd understand that they'd been able to come in but how did they manage to go out?
Gerald: To all agents, set up a security perimeter, Cooke and Carney, come up to the room right away.
Joachim: What happened? I've heard... Oh, my God.
Gerald: You had better wait outside.
I need the room to be sealed! There may be some mark.
Blanche: Can I ask what all this noise is?
Gerald: Blanche, you'd better not see it, please.
Blanche: Emil! Emil.
John: Blanche.
Blanche: You all are inepts!
Gerald: I need everybody to go down to the living room, please.
John: How could this happen? I thought you had the house guarded.
Gerald: It's still soon to know nothing, my agents are searching the house. We'll find the murder, believe me.
Joachim: And how do you know he's been killed? There wasn't even any blood, it could have been... a heart attack!
Gerald: It's true. We can't know it until we see forensic report.
Agnes: Yes. See you later.
Blanche, God, it's horrible. I'm sorry.
Blanche: Thank you.
Laura: Where were you at the moment of... the death?
Agnes: I was going out in my car when it all happened. An agent stopped me at the door.
Laura: What about you?
John: I stayed to look through some papers of Emil's in the library.
Laura: With the window open? During dinner you didn't have any congestion.
John: Yes, I don't know... I might have caught cold.
Gerald: You didn't have the time to put on your pajamas, either.
Joachim: I was in my room, connected to the Internet.
Gerald: I guess there might be nobody who can confirm it.
Blanche: Do you think one of us has killed my husband?
Gerald: The only thing I know is that none of you was accompanied at the moment of the death. If we confirm it has been a murder... you all will be suspects.
I want you to deal with this, quickly and discreetly. You will need to work with somebody who is totally reliable.
Laura: You know I've got the right person.
Woman: I can see you like following defenseless women.
Martin: Right now, I don't think you're too defenseless.
Woman: Mm. I like to take precautions.
Martin: Well, you might spend dough on condoms. I'm saying because of how many guys get into your house.
Woman: You have been following me! Well, if you want the same thing as my customers, you'll have to pay as everybody else.
Martin: No problem. Provided that you don't drug or steal me like everybody else.
Woman: How do you know this...?
Martin: C'mon, pretty girl, come with to the station.
Woman: For fuck's sake.
Martin: You'd better not talk, otherwise, when we get there we'll have no conversation.
Woman: Wait. Maybe we can sort this out in another way.
Martin: Maybe. But I left my billfold at home. If you accept food tickets.
Woman: Yours is not the only profession where handcuffs are used.
Martin: Lucky I could reach my cell at least.
Laura: If she had been a man, would you have felt him up?
Martin: Hey, I did not feel her up. It was her who took my hand and started to rub herself.
Laura: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't want the details, Martin. This thing of yours with women is gonna cause you more than a problem, huh? And to me with you.
Did the boss come?
Cave: Yeah, he's waiting for you in the meeting roo... m.
Now... is it true what they say? That the boss is gonna resign? You know, because of the blunder of yesterday.
Laura: Yesterday's thing was not a blunder. It was a murder. And we are gonna solve it.
Martin: Say to those people to stuff those comments into their ass.
Cave: Yep. Well, they also say that you are the candidate to hold his post, as you're the one who has experience most here.
Martin: No-one is gonna hold boss's post.
Laura: Because the boss isn't leaving, all right?
Cave: Okey... are you gonna finish that... the...? Nothing...
Martin: It wouldn't surprise me, though. Because of his wife's thing.
Laura: Gerald is all OK. He's already recovered.
Martin: Nobody would. It's been just a month ago since she died.
Laura: The boss is harder than he looks.
Laura: Do we know if he had any enemy? Anyone in the competition or any fired employe?
Lydia: Neither more nor less than anyone, you have it all on the reports, if you don't mind taking the trouble to read them.
Martin: Hey, you need a boyfriend that gets you off all that foul temper you're gaining.
Gerald: What I want to know is how the hell the murderer was able to go in and out of a closed room.
Martin: It looks like the 'Yellow Room'.
Laura: What?
Martin: A French novel from the beginning of the 20th Century.
Laura: Oh.
Martin: A woman is attacked in a room which nobody went in or out of.
Lydia: Now you're lying with a librarian?
Martin: No, I got those toilet paper rolls that are printed. I'm only able to read in the bathroom. The murderer went in and waited for Anderson.
Laura: No, but if they'd hidden, we would've seen them. At least, after killing him.
Gerald: But in few seconds, plenty of stir was caused. If the murderer was hidden there, they were able to take advantage of the confusion to pretend that they just arrived.
Martin: How about a dwarf?
Lydia: Please!
Laura: A dwarf?
Martin: I'm serious! A dwarf was able to hide, kill Anderson and hide again without nobody seeing him.
Laura: Do we know already how he died?
Lydia: The forensic scientist is going mad. There are no signs of weapons, or poison, or asphyxia.
Martin: Very smart dwarf!
On 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue', the murderer was a monkey.
Cave: Laura!
Laura: What?
Cave: Hello, sorry... can you come out for a moment?
Martin: I would not rule out any possibility.
Lydia: I would not rule out the possibility that your brain doesn't have enough oxygen.
Cave: Sorry, but the thing's they've been calling to your table. It seems that a 3-15 is taking place at the 301 North Carolina Avenue.
Laura: Shit.
Headmaster: I heard the screams but I wasn't able to arrive in time.
Laura: Affected ones?
Headmaster: Four, and some more serious than others.
Laura: What about the families?
Headmaster: The families are already here and very upset.
Laura: What about the rest?
Headmaster: The rest, I guess, still with the fear in their body.
Laura: Do you have them locked in?
Headmaster: Well, we managed to corner them among several but we weren't able to catch them. Sincerely, we don't dare to go in.
Laura: You had better move over.
I want no movement. Not a single gesture. Today you hurt a lot of people and my patience ran out. You're going to spend so much time locked in for what you did. Did you understand me?
Did you understand me?
Charlie and Xavier: Yes, mommy.
Headmaster: It's the third time in this month I've got to call you. The teachers say your children are impossible.
Laura: Don't worry, I'm going to have a very serious chat with them.
Headmaster: I'm sorry, but I'm going to have no choice but to expel them.
Laura: What?! No, please, don't do that.
Headmaster: I can't see another alternative, the other parents are prepared to bring charges against the school and against you.
Laura: Look, my husband and I are getting divorced. I have a lot of work, I cannot be at home with them.
Headmaster: In that case, you will have to decide what your priority is: your work or your family.
Laura: Let's go. Let's go.
Breathe well this oxygen because it's the last open air you're gonna enjoy till you're thirty!
Laura: An unforeseen event at school. Yeah, later I wanna go back to Anderson's to talk to the brother. Okey, I'll tell you later, Martin.
Charlie and Xavier: Dad, pizza! Dad, pizza!
Laura: Well, what's going on here?
Jacob: How're you doing, honey? Well, nothing, I'd thought I could invite you guys to lunch!
Laura: Hey! Your hands! Go wash your hands first!
Charlie and Xavier: No.
Jacob: Hey, what do I always tell you?
Charlie and Xavier: To admit mom's right like she were crazy.
Jacob: Go wash your hands, now, come off it! ... These kids...
Laura: These kids are going to kill me. And you are with them. Don't call me 'honey'! And don't act like you still lived here.
Jacob: Hey, well, I don't know, I felt like being with them for a while. Besides, it's the least I could do after your call.
Laura: Yeah, but you could've kept the pizza for yourself. It seems we were rewarding them for what they did.
Jacob: Ha, wow! Two schools in one year, gee, boy!
Hey, did the private one's ones call? It's been four months ago that we asked for the place.
Laura: Well, look, the truth's they'd better not call because at this moment... it's a really expensive school, Jacob.
Jacob: Laura, I... I think I could come back home... even if it were for some time.
Laura: No, no, no, no. Let's see, this is already clear. We're gonna sign the divorce papers. Aren't we? That's it. That's already discussed.
Jacob: It's just... you work twelve hours a day... it's impossible that you can look aft... er the boys on your own.
Laura: You are also a police officer, huh?
Jacob: Yeah, but my police station is just in this street. And you have to spend two hours every day only to go and come back!
Laura: Look, if they were taken at this school, I'd have them close by.
Jacob: What about if they're not taken? How are you gonna take care of them?
Laura: Victoria, now it's not the right time...
Victoria: No, no, no, no! I'm just coming to bring you a letter that was left in my mailbox by mistake.
Laura: Thank you very much.
Victoria: Hey, Jacob! Really! What a surprise!
Laura: The letter is open.
Victoria: Oh... well... you don't know how much you're missed in the building.
Jacob: You miss the odd jobs I used to do at your house.
Victoria: I can't tell you I don't. Because, look, it's not easy to find a man with hands like yours, either.
Jacob: Yeah...
Laura: It's from the private school.
Victoria: Though some people can't see it, but...
Laura: They're giving us an appointment before accepting them tomorrow?! But what does it mean 'tomorrow'? But this letter... was sent three weeks ago...
Victoria: ... No idea... Well, Jacob, I'm really glad to see you again. Come along to the bar. We may chat for a little while, may we not?
Jacob: C'mon. We may.
Victoria: C'mon, dear, leave you.
Hey, excuse me, how 'bout this skirt? You really wear such funny things.
Laura: It's at twelve in the afternoon. They want to see us here at home.
Jacob: At twelve, I've a meeting, I'm sorry.
Laura: Jacob, if they're not taken at this school, I will start procedures to put them up for adoption, huh? When they're ten, we'll have been fonder of them.
Jacob: Okey, fine. I'll see what I can do.
Laura: No...
Jacob: Really.
Okey, bye nippers!
Charlie and Xavier: Bye. Can you bring us another pizza another day?
Jacob: C'mon, yeah, I'll bring you a pizza this, this big!
See you.
Laura: Bye-bye.
Marilyn: Laura, how do you do?
Laura: How long have you put so many bolts at the door?
Marilyn: I've just been dating some guy that's become so annoying and I don't know how to get rid of him. The other day, he almost broke my door down.
Laura: Before you dig a moat and build a drawbridge, would you mind watching my children for a little while?
Marilyn: No, of course I wouldn't. Besides, I'm sure he doesn't think of looking for me at your house.
I'll pick up my stuff and go.
Laura: What? Working a little bit, huh?
Joachim: Inspector... I didn't expect you, actually.
Laura: I came to have a look in case we forgot about something.
Joachim: Oh.
Laura: Or someone!
Oh, these games are a vice, huh? As soon as I have a little while, I always hit Minesweeper or solitaire. This is Blackjack, on Blackjack I always bet it all on the first card. The important thing is to ask for cards without stopping. Ask for card, ask for card, ask for card...
Joachim: But what are you doing?!
Laura: What's wrong? If you lose, you lose. The good thing about these Internet games is that you never bet with real money.
Joachim: This is a real webpage, madam, you just screwed up two thousand dollars!
Laura: Oh, my God. I'm really sorry. Now I understand your sister-in-law's thing.
Joachim: What's the matter with her?
Laura: The other day, she mentioned me that... well, that you used to argue with your brother, constantly for your game problem.
Joachim: Yes, well... my brother was helping me to leave it but... I didn't stop spending money and increasing my debts.
Laura: Well, now with the inheritance, you will be able to pay them.
Joachim: Listen, I did not kill my brother and specially for money, I wouldn't.
Laura: Good God! I would never think something like that.
Joachim: Emil had agreed to help me if I got into a clinic. And I had accepted. I had no reasons to kill him.
Laura: No, sure! Of course! Besides, you said it yourself, the evening of the crime, you were here, with the Internet. I guess that playing, weren't you?
Cave: Martin, Laura called, she wants you to investigate Joachim Anderson.
Martin: Dead one's brother? Why? Anything happened?
Cave: The guy seemed to say that he was playing on a casino's web page in the evening of the crime.
Martin: Playing? There's so many models on the Internet and the guy spends the evening on playing?
Cave: Well, the thing is that I investigated the webpage and that guy was not connected in the evening of the crime.
Martin: So he lied about his alibi.
Cave: Em... I was thinking that someday you could take me with yourselves to a case, couldn't you?
Martin: That's Gerald's doing.
Cave: But I've just been half a year with paperwork and I need street work.
Martin: You are more useful in here, Cave.
Cave: Yes, yes I am. The thing is that... I tell you 'cause you're the best friend I've got in the police station. That is a twenty bill.
Martin: Keep the change, honey.
Woman 2: Thanks.
Cave: Okey. Well... know that I'd love to work with Laura and with you.
Martin: Right, I'll talk to Gerald, okey?
Cave: You will? Thanks.
Martin: But I don't promise you anything. I do 'cause you're my friend, huh?
Oh, she left my orange juice.
Cave: Oh, I will go down get it... I will get it for you.
Martin: Cave!
No pulp and a little bit of sugar.
Laura: Are you sure you don't want to have anything?
Director: No, thank you.
Laura: Oh.
He may be in a traffic jam. He said he would come.
Director: Yes.
Look, this interview is to evaluate the children's home environment. If your husband doesn't come, we are wasting time.
Laura: He will come. I assure you.
Director: I suppose the children are at school.
Laura: Yes. They are not here at school time.
Director: What about that noise?
Laura: It's the dogs. I have two. I have to shut them in because they are like... animals. It's a good thing they don't ever bark.
Jissa! Lassy! What did I told you? If you behave badly, you'll get what for!
Director: Listen, your husband is being very late...
Laura: I'm calling him. He's bound to be arriving. Let's see. Honey, I'm Laura, where are you? I'm... I'm with the director...
Director: Well, please, the voice mail just came out, come off it. I am hearing it from here, come off it.
Laura: It's his job, you know? He is a policeman. He may be ensuring the law is upheld. His time may have gone.
Director: Yes, but time is precisely what I do not have, I have three interviews left today.
Laura: Don't go, please. We need that interview.
Director: Fine. I will come back tomorrow at the same time. I would like the children to be present.
Laura: Thank you.
Director: There will be no more opportunities.
Laura: You will not regret it.
Director: Good morning.
Laura: Good morning.
Your father.
Martin: A couple of days ago, a work of art dealer was detained on the outskirts of Washington. He says that he was just intermediary. Guess where the stolen painting came from. From the dead person's house!
Laura: But... someone had to steal them.
Martin: There it's where the Internet bets' one goes in. If he actually had as many debts as it seems, it's hardly surprising he stole to his brother.
Laura: I don't know. It makes no sense that he was the death threats' one. If he was already getting the money, why bother to kill him? Right?
Jacob: Hi! Hi! Mm, this smells wonderfully.
Laura: Yesterday, I asked you to leave the keys at home.
Jacob: Well, the house is still mine, huh? I'm paying the mortgage. Anyway, it's good to have a copy, isn't it? In case... I'd got some emergency.
What's up, Martin?
Martin: Jacob.
Jacob: ... I also came to explain you that I've been all the morning with security councilor and I tried to get away but it was impossible for me.
Laura: Yep. Tomorrow we've got another appointment at the same time.
Jacob: Thank goodness. I'll be there, I promise.
Charlie and Xavier: Uncle Martin, pick us up like before.
Martin: Okey, come along here. One, two...
Charlie and Xavier: Dad, look how strong uncle Martin is!
Jacob: You're gonna hurt yourselves.
Laura: Are you staying for lunch?
Jacob: Nope. I came to pick up some stuff.
Martin: There's something you should know. The security councilor was with Gerald all the morning. Jacob wasn't there.
Laura: Is something known?
Gerald: The compulsive gambler brother confessed to having stolen paintings valued at more than two hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars.
Laura: So, he had debts which his brother didn't know anything about.
Gerald: He had been almost two months stealing the paintings and changing them for forgeries. I think we've got our culprit, Laura.
Laura: He did not do it. The boy is innocent.
Gerald: He's got a clear motive and he's got no alibi.
Laura: Yesterday evening, I saw this painting in his room. The forgery he'd hung instead of the original one. He'd hung it like so. Upside down.
Gerald: So what? What do you mean by that?
Laura: Well, we're looking for someone capable of committing a perfect crime. Not a youngster who can not even hang a painting on right side. This boy doesn't have enough head to commit a crime.
Gerald: You may be right. But I can't risk. Nope. For now he's our main suspect.
Do we know how Anderson was killed?
Lydia: Yes. The forensic scientist's report arrived already. The murderer sticked a very fine weapon between the occipital bone and the first vertebra. He cut his marrow with precision.
Laura: Like bullfighting's dagger.
Gerald: Don't we know what kind of weapon?
Lydia: No, but we found remains of earth in the injury so we talked to the gardener and he told us that a tool is missing at the greenhouse. One like this. It's used to extract sap from plants. It's so fine that it hardly leaves a trace. We had troubles finding the injury.
Gerald: So one of the four guests was at the greenhouse that evening. Which one of them?
Laura: One who is allergic to plants.
Agnes: Inspector?
Laura: Good Lord, what a surprise!
Agnes: What are you doing here?
Laura: Learning languages. Do you know what hunting deconstruction with soy surprise and tuber chippings means?
You'll see. Since we are here... The thing is I have been thinking about something you said yourself the other evening. That during the crime, you were in the library.
John: So?
Laura: Well, when I arrived at the dinner, you just were perfectly fine but just after the crime, your eyes were red and your nose swollen.
Agnes: It was a cold evening.
Laura: I have two little kids. They're allergic to nuts and dried fruits, to pollen, to...
Martin: Cat hair.
Laura: To cat hair and to schools. I can perfectly distinguish a simple cold from an allergic reaction.
Martin: Are you sure you were in the library and not at... the greenhouse, for example?
John: If you prefer to think that.
Martin: No, it is not our doing, it's your annual checkups' doing. It seems that you are allergic to graminiae.
Laura: Oh, just the type of flower which is abundant at Mr. Anderson's greenhouse. The place where the weapon of the crime comes from.
Agnes: Excuse me, but if this is a questioning, I think you are in the wrong place.
Martin: For fifty dollars per course, we are bound to be in the wrong place.
Laura: The only thing we want to know is where you actually were at the moment of the murder.
John: Until you cannot demonstrate the contrary, in the library. If somebody took the weapon of the crime from the greenhouse, it was not me.
Martin: But you were at the greenhouse. Maybe you didn't take the weapon of the crime, but you did something. What are you concealing from us? Were you bonking with someone?
Laura: Martin.
Martin: What? I mean that... that's what I would do. If I'd got to let one's hair down, well, I'd pick the greenhouse. It's isolated, the plants don't let the interior be seen. It's romantic.
John: You interrupted our lunch, called me a liar and a murderer. I advise you a good lawyer.
Laura: And I advise you a bar which is at the end of the street. For the fifty dollars of this hunting, we'll all be able to get a bender. I will take you when we close the case.
Laura: The shyster is lying. And I don't say it myself, his hands do. He was with somebody at the greenhouse. I'd like to know with who.
Are you okay?
Gerald: I gave her this pendant the day I declared my love. She always wore it. But the day of the accident, she left it at home. Sometimes I think that if she'd worn it, nothing would have happened to her.
Laura: I like to think that fate has a plan for us all. I think that nothing or nobody would've been able to change what happened to Eliza.
Gerald: She used to love you like a daughter. And that's why I want you to keep it.
Laura: No, Gerald.
Gerald: Laura, Laura, please.
Laura: No, I can't.
Gerald: This pendant wasn't able to protect her that day. Perhaps the fate has wanted it to protect you.
Laura: We can't change the past, but how we live the future is up to us.
Martin: Laura, the disconsolate widow is waiting for us, we should go down.
Laura: Is she in a very bad way?
Martin: You'll see.
Blanche: These days are being so hard. Understand.
Laura: How was the relationship with your husband?
Blanche: Good. We had our ups and downs, like everyone. But we loved each other a lot.
Laura: That's why he was thinking of asking for divorce?
Blanche: What?
Laura: We found this among your husband's documents. It's a draft for a divorce lawsuit. For character incompatibility!
Blanche: I don't understand anything. I know nothing about this. Legal matters were discussed by my husband with his lawyer.
Martin: And do you often deal with his lawyer, too?
Blanche: Yes, sure. In fact, he is sorting out all the will's thing.
Laura: My God, that's such a nice dress. It's ideal!
Blanche: I'm wearing it today for the first time. It's from a friend designer of mine.
Laura: Oh! And it's been custom made, that's why it really suits you. Although these dressed aren't made overnight, are they?
Blanche: Of course they aren't. I ordered it one month ago.
Laura: Oh, and one month ago, did you know you were going to need a mourning dress?
Blanche: A black dress doesn't have to be a mourning one.
Laura: Oh, no, sure, you're right. Then you still maintain that during the evening of the crime you were in your room.
Blanche: Where would I be, otherwise?
Martin: At the greenhouse? Your lawyer says he was there with somebody. Wouldn't it be with you?
Blanche: No. And now, if you do not have anything else to ask, get out of my house. I don't like to be insulted.
Laura: Sorry about everything, huh? We will be in contact. See you.
She's so plastered.
Laura: When the director comes along, I don't want you to goof it up, huh? If you behave yourselves, the earlier we'll finish and the earlier we'll go have chocolate bars as a snack. A lot of chocolate bars!
Charlie: Or better a console!
Laura: Better a console? Or I'd better take you to grandma's and you're sleeping there all the week, huh?
Jacob: Forgive me, I just could find nowhere to park.
Laura: I thought you weren't coming. Yesterday, I was calling you all night at home and you didn't answer, didn't you spend the night there?
Jacob: I just can't hear the phone!
Laura: Hold on.
Your collars are so badly ironed. What about this necktie? It's new. How nice. Did you buy it yourself?
Jacob: Yeah, sure.
Director: Hello.
They seem very responsible kids and very well-mannered.
Jacob: Well, we had to drug them because otherwise, it's impossible for them to keep still. It's a joke!
Laura: You silly!
Director: Was there anybody else apart from you who looked after them?
Laura: They had two or three nannies, but very reliable people.
Charlie and Xavier: Not two, seven.
Laura: Ha, ha. They still get into a mess with this thing about numbers and adding up. I don't know why 'Sesame Street' was gotten out of TV.
Director: I can see here, because of your card, that you are both police officers.
Jacob and Laura: Yes.
Director: A dangerous job... which I suppose it may take up a big part of the day. How do the children take this matter?
Jacob: Oh, they cannot see the dark side of the matter... well... I think they see us... like... I don't know... like a sort of... of... of superheroes, don't they? Like Superman or something like that!
Laura: Or Captain America.
Director: What values would you like us to inculcate into your children?
Laura: Honesty. To tell the truth. It's so hard when somebody you love lies to you.
Jacob: And tolerance, huh? To learn to believe in life, in people, right? I think that the saddest thing ever is not to be able to trust anyone. You can turn kind of mad!
Laura: Is that how you expect to get back home? By calling me mad?
Jacob: Man, I just don't know...!
Director: Oh, do you not share the house?
Laura: House, actually. We do not. We share the city and neighborhood, too, I guess that counts, doesn't it?
Director: Right, well, for the time being, this is all. I will study your application and call you as soon as I know anything.
Jacob: Huh... look, we may not be going through our best time but... that does not mean we haven't bent over backwards for our children.
Laura: Just give them the opportunity to prove it to you. And on the way, if you have any little fine over there that you might want to stop, tell us, huh?
Director: Well, we will see.
Laura: Goodbye.
What a disaster!
Jacob: What... What do we got to do to sort this out? I... I do not want us to carry on like this.
Laura: But how are we gonna make up if we can't even put the boys into a school without arguing?
Jacob: But the thing's... the thing's... all this is too much for you! I think that the best for everybody would be me to get back.
Laura: One question: are you dating somebody at the same time as you're trying to make up with me?
Jacob: No.
Laura: Jacob.
Jacob: I'm not!
Marilyn: I've gotta tell you something. Do you remember that guy from the other day? We argued and... and I blew my top and... I don't know how but... he's dead.
Laura: You murdered him?
Marilyn: No! I swear! He slipped onto my knife... about ten or twelve times...
Victoria: Now, Marilyn! Would you stop getting your hands covered in my ketchup? The next time, you'll pay for it, huh?
Marilyn: Don't you just see I'm rehearsing? I just have a casting and I've got to put myself in their shoes.
Victoria: Yeah, well, if you don't stop putting tomato on, I'll tell you myself where you've got to stick their shoes into! Really.
Marilyn: I'm not passing this casting like this in any way, really.
Laura: After all, it'd be a secondary role in a soap, wouldn't it? And I can't actually see you myself as a victim, either.
Marilyn: You could also give me the replies better, 'cause you got your head in the clouds.
Laura: 'Cause I've got the divorce papers there and I don't know what to do.
Marilyn: But do you know how well you are by being alone? Look, since John left me, I go out every night and I do what I like. No rules or hours. And I meet strangers who I have sex with without any hindrances.
Laura: Now you're rehearsing the little hooker role, aren't you?
Marilyn: Your marriage was a habit. A bad habit. You can't even trust him, actually. He didn't even take two months to start seeing another one!
Laura: Well, I don't know... About that, Marilyn... He told me there's nobody else and I decided to believe him.
Marilyn: Okey. Let's see, give me three reasons to make up with him.
Laura: Well... I'm already a big girl to start to move again. I've got two sons that would frighten off the first one that had an ounce of common sense. And... Jacob has always been there. Always. Since we met each other at the academy.
Marilyn: And you love him. Don't you? You know? You may solve murderers and all that stuff but I think that... in that feeling things you're a little kind of lost.
Cave: Martin! Were you looking for me?
Martin: Yeah, huh... Cave, you wanted street work, didn't you?
Cave: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you have anything for me?
Martin: Here. Go to this address, it's a repair shop. You've got to pick up a car, it's so important for the case.
Cave: Really? Oh! Hey, this is actually your car. Is it important for the investigation?
Martin: Sure! How do you want me to go to the scene of the crime? By bus?
Cave: Oh, yeah...
Martin: Don't forget to charge it to the station's account.
Cave: Yeah...
Marilyn: Pssh, pssh, pssh!
Martin: Is it me?
Marilyn: Yes. Pretend and act as you're looking at the ads.
There's something I've got to tell you and it's very important. I'm Marilyn!
Martin: Yeah, I know.
Marilyn: I just wanted to talk to you without Laura finding out.
Martin: Hey, you attract much more attention like that.
Well, what's happening?
Marilyn: It's happening that you should pay a bit of more attention and take advantage of this chance before it's too late. She must not make up with Jacob.
Martin: What's that to do with me?
Laura: Marilyn! What are you doing here?
Marilyn: Hi! Well, I got out of the casting before and I came greet you.
Laura: Were you given the role? That's why you're disguised like that?
Marilyn: No. These are my clothes.
Laura: Oh...
Marilyn: Well, I'm going... before the boat goes too far.
Laura: What boat? Don't you normally go by bus?
Come on, let's go.
Martin: Where are we goin'?
Laura: Blanche phoned, the widow. She says she's got an alibi. We've got to go talk to her.
Martin: Hey, I can't, I got a matter to settle.
Laura: What matter is more important than finding our murderer?
Martin: I'll explain you, but it's gonna be so important to solve the case. You'll see!
Laura: Hello! It's kind of warm!
Blanche: Really much. Why don't you try?
Laura: No, no. My fingers get kind of wrinkled, then.
Blanche: I wanted to talk to you but I didn't want to go to the police station. Do you know what did Emil die of? I had a couple of spare little drinks. And, sure, I have to burn off all that alcohol. Why don't you try stretching with me?
Laura: Oh, no. I only stretch at the end of the month when I can't do my bill calculations. When I got out of the academy, I was very fit, huh? Well, now I run after my twins, though, and I do something.
Blanche: Can you pass me the bathrobe, please?
Laura: Hello.
Blanche: Thank you.
The figure is recovered right away. Having a body like that is a matter of perseverance. Beauty is pain.
Laura: Hm. Well, I think it would have to pain me a lot to manage to be like that.
And... what did you want to talk about?
Blanche: That evening, I was... in the greenhouse with John, our lawyer. So I could not kill my husband. I've an alibi.
Laura: And also a motive. You both were able to plan it.
Blanche: It is true that my marriage wasn't working well. But I was not the only one who was looking for entertainment.
Laura: He had a lover.
Blanche: A? His contact agenda looked like a telephone list. If we had gotten divorced, I could have made a lot of money from him.
Laura: But as his widow, you've managed to make a lot more from him. At the moment of dying, do you know if he also had a lover?
Blanche: As far as I know, he didn't. The last experience he had left him a bit... frightened. It was a kind of... fatal attraction.
Laura: Do you know who she was?
Blanche: No. The only thing I know is that she was such a possessive woman. And she didn't take very well that he left her.
Laura: Do you remember when that happened?
Blanche: Yes. A couple of months ago. We had inauguration in a museum and he did not appear. The next day, he told me everything. He said to me that... he had broken up with that woman but things appeared to get complicated and she had to get very violent and he had to calm her down.
Laura: Do you remember exact day?
Blanche: February 22nd.
Laura: Are you sure?
Blanche: What's the matter?
Laura: Just two days later, he started to receive those death threat anonymous letters. That woman may be the key of everything.
Martin answerphone: Hello. Leave your message.
Laura: Martin, I'd like to know where you've been, I can't locate you! Phone me, please! I think I found a trail. Phone me, huh?!
Agnes: Oh... it's you...
Laura: I wanted to ask you some questions.
Agnes: Now you're catching me in a bad moment, I was going to have a bath...
Laura: No! But... it will just be a moment. Really. You'll see, the thing is... there is something I can't stop thinking about.
Martin: Go on, c'mon! Sweetheart, hurry up! The water's gonna get cold! You'll see what I'm able to do holding my breath under the water!
Laura... Don't... come to hasty conclusions, Laura...
Laura: This is incredible...
Martin: This isn't what it looks like!
Laura: Incredible...
Martin: Well, it is... You know how much useful information can I get out of her... in the bed?
Laura: Martin, this is incredible! There isn't enough women in the world so you gotta lie with a murder... suspect?!
Laura: Are you going to explain me what happened before?
Martin: Not that complicated. Boy meets girl...
Laura: Girl who might've killed someone y boy that is so stupid as to sleep with her.
Martin: But why are you so surprised? It's not something I didn't do before.
Laura: Did you compromise the investigation? Did you tell her somethin' you shouldn't?
Martin: No. I wouldn't ever do that. Actually, we only saw each other today and we hadn't even started!
You aren't gonna report on me, are you?
Laura: No. But it's the last time I help you. You can't risk it like that. No, I'm telling you for your good!
Martin: Did you think what you're going to do with Jacob?
Laura: No. I didn't make a decision yet.
Martin: Would you really make up with him? Living with him was actually really boring.
Laura: What is got into you?
Martin: I just don't want you to make the same mistake again. There's... There's more options!
Laura: Ha, ha, ha! More options! You are with me all the day. There is not any more options! You should know it better than anybody.
Martin: Okey. But whatever decision you make, count on me.
Laura: Yeah, sure. As usual.
Fine, I'm going to talk to the warm bath woman.
No, no, no! By myself.
Receptionist: I undersand.
Laura: Excuse me but I've already been waiting for a little while...
Receptionist: I'm afraid that Agnes won't be able to see to you until next week.
Laura: But that can't be possible, it's so pressing.
Oh, the telephone!
Receptionist: Yes. I will tell her that you called.
What do you want?
Laura: As I told you before, I'm coming to talk to your boss, Agnes Martorell, it's for a police matter.
Receptionist: That's large supermarket discount card.
Laura: Such a silly thing. Oh. Look, the thing's just I've got so many little things in here...
Receptionist: I already told you that Mrs. Martorell is busy and she won't be able to deal with you during all the day.
Laura: But maybe you could help me out. That's an investment and stock buying and selling place, right? I just have some little savings and now... the kids' school is gonna cost a dough.
Receptionist: Here, we advise big companies. I'm afraid your little savings... well, they aren't a meaningful amount to do something with them.
Hello? Yes. On Tuesday? Oh, just a moment, please.
Agnes: As you can observe on page two, the graphs with the comparative of this month and last month are shown. The increase has been light but the last peaks show a rise on a short term.
Laura: I'm really sorry but... I'm in a hurry. My children do not have any babysitter and I have to talk to you.
Agnes: Don't you see I'm busy?
Laura: It will just be a moment. You ought not to forget you are one of the suspects of Mr. Emil Anderson's death.
Agnes: Do you realize when you talk like that, you can cause the stock to fall in just a few seconds? How are the stockholders trust me if you are accusing me of murder every other minute?
Laura: Oh, wow... I'm sorry, huh?
Agnes: Inspector Hound, are you always so untimely? Just seeing you makes my sugar level go up and I'm not saying in a figurative sense.
Laura: Oh, you are diabetic!
Agnes: Yes.
Laura: Let's look after number one.
How was your relationship with Emil Anderson?
Agnes: What are you exactly referring to?
Laura: Did he also like... swimming under your bath?
Agnes: No. We weren't lovers. What's more, I wanted to see him died. That bastard deserved to die. And I did not do it. But we all came out well with his death. With his business policy, he would have ruined us.
Laura: And now what is going to happen?
Agnes: Well, the merger which Anderson had planned with a multinational came to a standstill. And the firm has a new president.
Laura: The stock might fall but you look delighted to be the suspect number one. Do you know if Emil Anderson was meeting somebody recently?
Agnes: I did not know about his love life. I have here his personal agenda and... a state of his accounts. Take them. They may be good for something.
Laura: And what were you doing with this? We were looking for it!
Agnes: I took them from Emil's office. There is confidential information. And after his murderer, I didn't want it to fall into inadequate hands.
Laura: Sure. And on the way, you checked there wasn't any piece of information which could charge you, didn't you?
Laura: Look at February 22nd. It was the day when Emil Anderson split up with that woman, that psychopath lover.
Martin: There isn't anything here. Well, except he canceled all his appointments.
Laura: When we were given the agenda, I appeared to see numbers, like credit card payments or something like that.
Cave: Here... Here! February 22nd! Laura, here it just says he was driving through an expressway! In the state! So we know... so we know he canceled all his appointments in order to go somewhere close to here!
Martin: I know that expressway, it leads to a river. It's full of little hotels and of restaurants.
There's nothin' like a trip to the countryside and a dinner in a little rural hotel for even the best prude to bring down her defenses, Cave.
Laura: Fine, then tomorrow you're going to take me on a trip. Something happened there and we're going to find out what did.
Martin: Alright. I'm taking you tomorrow.
Laura: Bye.
Xavier: What are you doing?
Laura: Oh, what are you doing here? Didn't you have to be in bed?
I'm seeing pictures from when I was smaller.
Xavier: And uncle Martin's?
Laura: Yeah, look. Uncle Martin's. Here we are the three of us in the police academy with dad. We were the three of us very good friends. See? In our uniforms.
Xavier: Why did you marry dad? Because he'd got the biggest pistol?
Laura: Ha ha ha! No. 'Cause we were boyfriend and girlfriend and dad asked me to marry him and I told him yes. See? Here's the day of our wedding.
Xavier: Uncle Martin doesn't appear on these, didn't he go to the wedding?
Laura: No, he didn't go to the wedding. He went on vacations and he didn't have the time to come back.
You can hardly keep your eyes open because you had to be sleeping. Come on. Let's sleep. Now, come. Up.
Martin: Was it necessary to buy so many things?
Laura: I'd got to take advantage of us being in a village, Martin. Natural honey, buffalo wings and cream cheese. These things can't be found in Washington.
If, on February 22nd, Emil Anderson was not here, the expressway trail will have taken us nowhere.
Hotel receptionist: May I do anything to help?
Laura: We're police officers.
... Oh... Martin, do you mind showing your badge to the gentleman? My twins just had to take it again.
Martin: We're looking for a person. We want to know if he stayed here on February 22nd.
Hotel receptionist: Yes. Sure. He often came here accompanied by a woman.
Laura: Could you identify her?
Hotel receptionist: No. They used to pay in cash and she always waited outside. They each arrived by their car, separately.
Laura: And could you recognize her if we showed you some pictures?
Hotel receptionist: I don't know. But I'd stick my neck out if that woman wasn't married.
Martin: How do you know?
Hotel receptionist: Because while I was waiting for him to pay, she always did the same: take off her wedding ring. The married women who feel guilty usually do it.
Laura: Could we see your register book?
February 22nd.
Here it is! He used to register with a different name but the handwriting is the same.
Hotel receptionist: And they always asked for romantic dinner. That's a special service that we have. Dinner for two, champagne, rose petals on the bed... Here you have a copy of our services in case someday you make up your mind to use them.
Laura: Thank you. Could you show us the room they used to use?
Cleaner: Oh, I left it open.
Laura: Good heavens this black floor! And how do you do it in order to keep it so clean?
Cleaner: Well, by cleaning everything all the time.
Laura: How awful, it's way too big.
Martin: We didn't come to talk about the floor, we're police officers.
Cleaner: So what may I do to help you?
Laura: Do you recognize this man?
Cleaner: Yes. He used to come over here. With a woman.
Laura: Could you describe her?
Cleaner: Tall, slim... I never got to see her close up.
Martin: Did she come back over here?
Cleaner: No, and besides, last time they made a great scene. They made a lot of noise, they shouted and they even broke some piece of furniture. I think he was leaving her. But the strangest thing is that the next morning the room was clean.
Laura: You didn't see them leave?
Cleaner: No, they went away in the early morning. How weird, this wasn't like this.
Laura: Perhaps someone came in wanting to getting something back like... I don't know, that ring.
Cleaner: What ring?
Laura: The one you want to conceal since we came in. The one you have in your hand.
Cleaner: I... found it that very day in a gap on the floor. I was planning to return it if someone came back to get it. Here. Well, I am going.
Martin: It must be the wedding ring which she used to take off to be with him. The strange thing is she didn't come back to get it.
Gerald: Take her particulars and take her downstairs.
Laura: But what is happening?
Gerald: We've searched her house and her car. It was under one of the seats of her sports car. It's the weapon of the crime. We're gonna examine it in case it has her fingerprints.
Laura: She made a confession?
Gerald: No.
Laura: So... so why did you go get her?
Lydia: We're sure that she's the woman who accompanied Emil Anderson to that hotel. The one that started to threaten him.
Laura: But... Agnes is married?
Lydia: She got married a couple of years ago abroad.
Laura: But if they were lovers, why to meet at that hotel so far away from the city? Why not to do it in their company? No-one would ask any questions.
Lydia: Yeah... Nobody takes you sappily over there long ago, don't they? Those things are usually done when you're in love.
Gerald: Besides, she told you that she wanted to see him dead and she even got to threaten to kill him in a stockholder meeting.
Laura: She'd be the first murderer that makes her killing intentions public to everyone. If she was actually thinking about doing it seriously, she wouldn't say it.
Lydia: If you every so often left recipe books and read some criminal psychology one, you'd realize a clever murderer would do precisely that.
Gerald: By saying she's going to kill, she creates a sort of psychological alibi for herself. No-one, who wants to kill, would announce it to all and sundry.
Laura: So if she were so bright, she'd know that we'd end up thinking so. Wouldn't she?
Lydia: No.
Martin: What's happening?
Laura: Do you who has been detained for Emil Anderson's murder?
Agnes Martorell.
Martin: Oh. Good tits.
Laura: Do you realize, Martin? Your situation is serious. You went from lying with a suspect...
Martin: To lying with a woman accused formally of murder. I'll talk to Gerald and tell him what happened.
Laura: But that will not get the fact we didn't say a word out. We're facing a disciplinary action, and a big one.
Martin: You can still escape. Send your uniform. If they come to get you, they'll leave you alone.
Laura: No, I am not gonna do that.
Martin: Maybe that woman doesn't say anything.
Laura: Well... in fact, she may not even be a murderer.
Charlie: Mommy, can we go and play at the park for a while?
Laura: No, no, no, no. We're gonna have dinner right away. C'mon, watch TV a little bit.
Hey you, turn down the TV! I can hear nothin'!
Gerald: Agnes's fingerprints were found on the weapon of the crime and, in the locker of her gym, some magazines where there are letters missing.
That belong exactly to the anonymous letters'.
Martin: And what does the defendant say?
Gerald: That she did not do it and that those pieces of evidence were put by somebody.
Laura: According to those psychological weighty tomes that are read by Lydia, she may fit into the murderer's profile, but I do not think she is.
Do you know what I think? About that about the weapon of the crime and the anonymous letters of the magazines that you've found? A botched job, Gerald. A botched job! It's like if, after having been cooking a great recipe for hours, I present it on plastic plates and paper napkins. And by the way, talking about meals...
Look, this is what was ordered by the dead man and his lover every time when they went to the hotel. Agnes was diabetic. Do you think a diabetic would order that for dinner?
Gerald: Truffle cake, flapjack... sweet sauces.
Laura: I know that I'm right. I just don't have the click so that the puzzle fits.
Come on, boys, let's go d...
Well really, they went down to the street to play!
Martin: You should put them a surveillance collar. How bright. They left the TV on to... distract our attention.
Laura: Sure, that's it! That's how it all happened.
Gerald: What are you talking about?
Laura: About the click...
I just found out who killed Emil Anderson.
Laura: I got you all together here because there is still a crime... Well... No. Actually, two crimes without solving. And the murderer is still loose. But before I tell you who the murderer is, there's something I would like you to taste.
Some bar snacks, for the troubles. I just went too far buying in the mountains.
Get one, get one.
Agnes: No, thank you.
Laura: Get one. Get one!
Get one!
Blanche: Thank you.
Laura: Since the beginning, we faced a very intelligent criminal who created so many smoke screens that they almost prevent us form seeing the truth.
Blanche: She must not be very intelligent, must she? When she was caught in two days...
Laura: No! She is not the murderer who we're looking for.
Blanche: Oh, she isn't? Then, who? You can not think one of us is! I'm fed up with being insulted this way.
Laura: In fact, I never considered you as a suspect. Well, at first I did. Until I got to know you more in-depth.
Let's review all the details which attracted my attention in this case. One: Emil Anderson never got to connect the air conditioning of his study despite complaining constantly of the heat.
Lydia: Well, that does not matter at all. Besides, how do you know?
Laura: Because, when the air's on, the papers on the table blow away if they're not held tight. And two: the dead man was hooked on "The Dispossessed", the television series.
Martin: And the TV wasn't on that channel.
Laura: Actually, it was never on, not on that channel or on any other. No. We witnessed a monumental sham. I understood when I saw how my sons were deceiving me with the TV noise. Our murderer did exactly the same thing. It all has been arranged so that we didn't see the culprit is who looks the least suspicious. Like on Agatha Christie's novels. Emil Anderson was actually never alive and alone in that room.
Gerald: But what are you saying? We left him there and there wasn't anyone else inside. Besides, what about the noises which were listened at ten twenty?
Laura: The music system was programed for a fighting noise recording to appear with the purpose to deflect the real hour of the crime which happened twenty minutes before.
Blanche: But, right... are you going to tell us who killed him?
Laura: The person who was sending him those death anonymous letters, someone who is in this room, someone who Emil Anderson recognized that evening. If you remember, during supper, Emil changed his attitude, during the toast, he saw something which disturbed him as much as to want to leave.
Gerald: Do you feel all right?
John: He recognized someone?
Laura: The person who was threatening him. At first, I didn't know what he was so frightened of, but then, he said something very strange when we left him in his room.
Emil: I can't stop thinking that if I had that person in front, I would give them all I have as long as they leave me alone.
Laura: I found it such a weird sentence. Until I realized something, Emil wasn't talking supposedly, in fact, he'd already found him.
John: And why didn't he denounce it publicly?
Laura: Because Emil Anderson was also a culprit of a murder. That is the other crime I was referring to. That's why he was being threatened and he couldn't accuse his persecutor without accusing himself, too.
Blanche: But... who did my husband kill? I'm surrounded by criminals.
Laura: The lover he used to meet secretly. Only an adulterous woman would take her ring off to meet her lover and only a woman dead wouldn't wear it again.
Martin: Emil Anderson killed her at that hotel.
Laura: Yes. They quarreled when he wanted to leave her, the fight got more serious and he killed her. And then he got rid of the corpse by faking a road accident. Our murderer is somebody who was looking for revenge. Somebody who lost his wife not long ago because Emil Anderson killed her. Somebody who Emil Anderson was addressing directly when he said he knew who was threatening him and he'd be prepared to pay him. Somebody who is wearing on one of his fingers the partner of this ring. The same ring which Emil recognized when drinking a toast and which you've been looking for since then. You loved her so much you didn't even take off your wedding ring. Even knowing it could charge you.
Gerald: I thought that as I could not find my wife's ring myself at the hotel, you wouldn't find it, either.
Laura: You killed him upon approaching the armchair, right?
Gerald: By the way, any of my men will deal with you any time you need it, but I leave my cellular phone number, just in case. We'll leave your door bolted. Good night.
Laura: Just in front of me. You were going to let her pay for your crime. You charged her.
Gerald: You've proved dearly why you always were my best student.
Laura: You're lying because you thought that I would not find you out.
Gerald: No, no. Quite the opposite, Laura. I am not a murderer and I think that I always deeply wanted you to catch me. That's why I asked you to go with me that night. No-one but you would have been able to find me out. I could not support that son of a bitch lived after what he did to her.
Can we avoid the handcuffs' thing? I don't want to be seen like that at the police station, please.
Laura: Hello.
School's secretary: I'm the school's head teacher's secretary. Uh, you had an interview the other day.
Laura: Do you know anything?
School's secretary: Yes. I'm calling to tell you your children have been accepted and...
Laura: Oh, no, it can't be possible. But... isn't there any way to appeal? It was the perfect school for them. Oh, they're actually accepted. Really? After the scene which we made.
Schoold's secretary: You didn't behave in a different way from any other parent who brings their children to our school. In fact, we mistrust more the ones who apparently get on well.
Laura: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Martin, at last the twins were accepted somewhere! And it's not a high-security prison. Felix came from the head office. He's in Gerald's old office.
Laura: What does he want?
Martin: To appoint the new boss! And he told me to go and see him.
Laura: Sure. After all, you are the one who has been the longest at this station.
Martin: But the thing about investigating side by side would be over.
Laura: Okey, being stuck in that office, you'd have less chances to goof.
I already signed the divorce papers.
Martin: We've gotta celebrate that! Tonight we're going out on the town. I promise that I'm not approaching any bath.
Laura: Okey. I'll leave the twins with Marilyn.
Come on, go! Don't make them wait.
Felix: Indeed. Yes, well, he told me he had expectations, but we've all got fucking expectations here. Ha ha ha! Okey, right, see you. See you.
Martin! Martin! How are you doing? Sit down.
I've got news to give you but it's not good. precisely. You've been reported for irregularities in an investigation.
Martin: Who gave a report on me?
Felix: That doesn't matter now, Martin. You're accused of having maintained relations with a suspect putting all the investigation at risk.
Martin: What bloody risk? Nothing actually happened! She wasn't even the murderer! You know there is limits I wouldn't go beyond.
Felix: I think this time you went beyond them.
Martin: But I'd got two good reasons!
Felix: Don't you realize the gravity of your situation, Martin? You're going to be opened a dossier and it's very possible that you'll be expelled from police force.
Cave: Lydia! What is everybody doing here?
Lydia: Felix has summoned all the agents to tell us something very important.
Cave: Oh, God! Maybe it's going to have something to do with me. All the agents may not be transferred, may they? You know somethin'?
Lydia: I said something very important.
Jacob: Hi.
Laura: Jacob! What are you doing here? Did you get the divorce papers?
Jacob: Are you certain of what you're going to do?
Laura: Yes and I don't wanna think of it anymore. I don't think of changing my mind however much you insist so, please, go away. We'd better not see each other for kind of a long time.
Jacob: Well, I'm afraid that thing about not seeing each other is gonna be a little bit complex.
Laura: Why?
Felix: Listen!
Laura: What are you talking about?
Jacob: Excuse me.
Felix: One moment, please! I'd like you to listen to me for a second. I want to introduce you and welcome your new boss: Jacob Salgado.
Jacob: No, no, please! No, no, no.
Laura: You are gonna run this police station!
Jacob: Yeah, we're gonna have to get on the best we can. I am going to do my best. Excuse me. Felix!
Felix: Jacob!
Jacob: Thank you.
Felix: I'll show you your new office.
Jacob: Please.
Lydia: Congratulations. Although this is going to look like a vaudeville rather than a station.
Jacob: It is not funny at all.
Lydia: It isn't?
Jacob: It isn't.
Lydia: Being a boss of your wife's and of your lover's at the same time?
Jacob: Hey, look, Lydia, our thing is over, okay? That was a mistake and I'd like us to forget it.
Lydia: Well, I think there are things that you should remember. Above all the fact that it was me that reported Martin, the main candidate to hold the boss post. If you're here, it's thanks to me.
Jacob: Oh.
Laura: To your promotion.
Martin: To getting rid of your husband.